Event Korea Circular Economy Festival 2024 대한민국 순환경제 페스티벌 2024 ORSKOREA at the Core of Korea Circular Economy Festival 대한민국 순환경제를 선도하는 오알에스코리아 💡ORSKOREA proudly participated in this year’s Korea Circular Economy Festival, solidifying
AI Time Series Data Analysis in Manufacturing AI 기반 제조 시계열 데이터 분석 기술 | Smart Manufacturing EP. 5 Session 5️⃣ Time Series Data Analysis in Manufacturing 세션 5. AI 기반 제조 시계열 데이터 분석 기술 경남대학교 박미영 교수 In the manufacturing and machine
AI Automated Tool Calibration Technology AI 기반 공구보정 자동화 기술 | Smart Manufacturing EP. 4 Session 4️⃣ Automated Tool Calibration Technology 세션 4. AI를 이용한 공구보정 자동화기술 워털루대학교 한정우 박사 In machining, various cutting tools are used depending on the
ESG ORSKOREA's Donation for Leukemia Patients 오알에스코리아, 백혈병·소아암 환우를 위한 기부 💡The end of the year is a time to reflect on our journey and extend a helping hand to those in need. While it is
Insight How are bearings Produced? 베어링은 어떻게 만들어질까? 오알에스코리아가 알려주는 베어링 제조 공정 | In-House Seminar EP. 1 How are bearings produced? 베어링은 어떻게 만들어질까? 💡Bearings, often called the "the heart of machinery" play a crucial role in various industries, including
Event MAKTEK 2024, Istanbul, Turkiye Exploring the Advanced Grinding Machines and High Frequency Spindles in Istanbul 이스탄불에서 만난 오알에스코리아의 연삭기와 스핀들 💡ORSKOREA was a proud participant in the 8th MAKTEK
Event GrindingHub 2024, Stuttgart, Germany Showcasing Precision: Our Grinding Machines and Spindles at GrindingHub 💡The GrindingHub 2024, an international grinding technology trade fair, was held from May 14 to 17,
Award ORSKOREA Managing Director Receives Top Honor Award 오알에스코리아, 소재부품장비 산업포장 수상 💡Leading precision grinding machine manufacturer ORS Korea is delighted to announce the industry medal win of its Managing Director, Shim Jho Whoun (James), at the
Report 4 Key ESG Strategies for Sustainable Manufacturing 제조업의 ESG 전략, 알아야 할 4가지 핵심 요소 | Bearing Conference EP. 2 💡Hello! On November 27, the ORSKOREA Strategic Planning Team attended the 3rd Korea Bearing Conference held at the Seoul Garden Hotel. When it comes to
Report "No Issues with Exports or Imports!" A Guide for Trade Professionals "수출도, 수입도 문제없다!" 무역 사무원을 위한 가이드 💡On November 5th, Mr. Jong-sil Heo from ORSKOREA attended the "Core Basics of Trade Practices" training held at the Masan branch of the
Report Where Is the Bearing Industry Headed in the Carbon Neutrality? 탄소중립 시대, 베어링 산업은 어디로? | Bearing Conference EP. 1 💡Hello! On November 27, the ORSKOREA Strategic Planning Team attended the 3rd Korea Bearing Conference held at the Seoul Garden Hotel. When it comes to
Report World Economy & Trade Outlook 2025 세계경제통상전망 세미나 2025 후기 What you should watch out for in manufacturing next year! 미리 준비하는 2025년 제조업 주의사항! 💡On December 12, 2024, ORSKOREA attended the World Economy &
Award ORSKOREA Managing Director James Shim Receives 'Korea Bearing Industry Award' 오알에스코리아 심조원 사장 한국베어링산업협회장 표창 수상 💡On November 27, the "Day of Bearings" event was held at the Seoul Garden Hotel. ORSKOREA was invited in recognition of its significant
AI Prediction Simulation for Machined Part Quality 가공품 품질 예측 AI 시뮬레이션 기술 | Smart Manufacturing EP. 3 Session 3️⃣ Simulation for Predicting Machined Product Quality 세션 3. AI 기반 시뮬레이션을 이용한 가공품 품질 예측 기술 워털루대학교 한정우 박사 Wouldn't it
Report What is HS CODE HS코드 란? (부제 : 오알에스코리아의 HS코드는?) 💡On Tuesday, November 5th, Mr. Heo Jong-sil from ORSKOREA attended the Core Basics of Trade Practice Training to enhance his trade skills. This training provided
Event Highlights from Changwon Export Event 창원 해외 바이어 상담회 리뷰 What Drives Growth in Southeast Asia’s Manufacturing Sector? 무엇이 동남아시아의 제조산업을 성장하게 만드는가? 💡ORSKOREA recently participated in the Global Buyer Export Consultation held at
AI Cutting Tool Condition Prediction AI 기반 절삭공구 관리 및 상태예측 | Smart Manufacturing EP. 2 Session 2️⃣ Cutting Tool Management and Condition Prediction 세션 2. AI 기반 절삭공구 관리 및 상태예측 한국전기연구원 김종문 실장 Cutting tools are critical components in
Partners NTP Visited ORSKOREA Factory 중국 NTP사의 오알에스코리아 본사 방문 💡Last November, ORSKOREA hosted a delegation from China’s NTP, one of the major players in the global manufacturing industry. This visit was an exciting
Grinding Tips How to label Grinding Wheel? 연삭 지석 표기법은 어떻게 되나요? Grinding Wheel Labeling 연삭 지석의 표기 방법 Grinding wheel labels provide essential details about the wheel's construction and optimal applications. Understanding these labels
Partners ORSKOREA team visited Indonesia 오알에스코리아, 인도네시아 방문 현장 스토리 💡ORSKOREA is committed to serving the growing demands of the Indonesian manufacturing industry by providing tailored solutions and local support. With the rapid expansion of
Grinding Tips What is Grinding Wheel? 연삭 지석.. 도대체 뭔데!? What is a Grinding Wheel, and How is it Labeled? 💡Grinding wheels are highly engineered products, made from diverse materials and specifications, and they play
AI How AI changes Machine Industry & KOTEC Scheme 부산 제조 AI 사업 유망기술 설명회 후기 : AI가 기계산업에 끼치는 영향 | Smart Manufacturing EP. 1 How is AI Making a Difference in the Machine Industry? 💡On September 11th, ORSKOREA team attended the 2024 Promising Technology for AI Commercialization in Manufacturing
Event K-Biz Trade Show : Boom Up Korea 2024 High Frequency Spindles & Slides at Boom Up Korea 2024 💡ORSKOREA had the pleasure of connecting with global buyers last month at the 2024 Korea
Machine Lathe Definition, Structure, Types, Pros & Cons 선삭기계의 정의, 구조, 종류, 장단점 | In-House Seminar EP. 3 💡Lathes are essential tools in the field of ultra-precision machinery. This blog post explains the definition, types, and advantages & disadvantages of lathes, providing a
Insight 5 Steps in Grinding Machines' Evolution 연삭기계의 진화, 어떻게 발전해왔을까? | In-House Seminar EP. 2 💡In our previous post, we introduced how bearings are made through the manufacturing process taught by Mr. Shim (ORSKOREA's Managing Director). This time,
Insight How are bearings Produced? 베어링은 어떻게 만들어질까? 오알에스코리아가 알려주는 베어링 제조 공정 | In-House Seminar EP. 1 How are bearings produced? 베어링은 어떻게 만들어질까? 💡Bearings, often called the "the heart of machinery" play a crucial role in various industries, including